Liturgica > Apostles Creed Banner Series

Liturgical installation - Apostles Creed Series of 12 banners
Apostles Creed Banner Series
mixed media / fabric

As a young student at Minneapolis College of Art and Design, I attended Trinity First Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Since I was renting a room in the large Lowry Hill home of Walter and Verna Hinck, and she was the church organist, it was easy to catch a ride there. This project was a cooperative effort with other members of the congregation and was installed for Easter Sunday in 1977. It was inspiring to work up illustrations for this ancient statement. Although each panel is conceived in a somewhat different style, I have always been happy with the series as a whole. I think that each article of the creed does have a variation of tonal emphasis (just listen to the variety of musical treatments for each line of the "Credo" within composed Masses!). The reverse side of each panel contains the text. The cut-out letterforms were created by volunteer members and made from a myriad of donated fabrics, all symbolizing the individuality - and yet the unity - of the community around this faith.